Healthy Attitudes and Harmonious Meals
61 minute read
Article Overview
For young children, food is love.
And the love connection between you, your child, and food is very important. This 32-page article explores the emotional and social role of food in your child’s life and in your family life. As children grow and individuate, parents experience the delicate balance between providing for their child’s nutritional needs and fostering their child’s independence concerning their food choices. This complex process sometimes results in challenging power struggles concerning food, often at mealtimes.
Healthy Attitudes and Harmonious Meals examines the important relationship between you, your child and food. This article offers strategies to avoid food conflicts before they arise and to encourage your child’s healthy attitudes toward food. Techniques are explored to reduce power struggles at meals so that mealtimes are times of important family connections. This article explores healthy food attitudes and provides words, skills, and strategies to help strengthen the loving, healthy connection between you, your child, and food.
32 pages?! iBlankie also offers Food Strategies, a 13-page article on tips in relating with your child on food issues, and Mellow Mealtimes, a 13-page article offering strategies for more peaceful meals. The information contained in those two articles is included in expanded form in this article.