A Thanksgiving Song for Young Gratitude


1 minute read

Sing to this song to the tune of Freres Jacques as each person expresses what they are grateful for. As you go around the table, you can repeat previous verses or start fresh.

I love turkey, I love turkey, yum yum yum…yum yum yum,

Always on Thanksgiving, always on Th-giving, yum yum yum…yum yum yum

I love Grandma, I love Grandma, hug hug hug…hug hug hug,

Always on Thanksgiving, Th-giving, hug hug hug…hug hug hug.

I love tv, I love tv, fun to watch, fun to watch,

Always on Thanksgiving, always on Th-giving, fun to watch, fun to watch.

I love bike riding, I love bike riding, zoom zoom zoom…zoom zoom zoom,

Always on Thanksgiving, repeat, zoom zoom zoom…zoom zoom zoom.