February Funk to February Fun!


2 minute read

February may be the shortest month, but it can seem like the longest! Cabin fever? Snow? Power outages? Short dark days? Two months until Easter and Passover and Spring Break! The daily grind? Yikes!

Here are four ways to turn February Funk into February Fun:

Have your own Superbowl

Schedule a Super Game Day for Super Bowl Sunday. Pull out your family board games and have an afternoon with all board games-either in teams, paired off round robins or everyone joining in on CandyLand, Uno, Parcheesi, and checkers and award goofy prizes or stickers to the winners. You can even have old-fashioned relay races: 3-legged races, pillowcase races, carry-the-egg-on-a-spoon races.

Make it a Valentine Month

Every day should be Valentine's Day. Tape a big heart on your kitchen wall or your child's bedroom wall. Have a marker nearby and every day you and your child say/draw what you love about each other. (Suggestion: even on the hardest days, you can find something to love about your child-their blue eyes or their freckles.)

Make your Child President for a Day:

On President's Day, ask your child what they would do if they were President of your family. Choose one or two ideas and let your child be the boss for a day.

Have an Indoor Picnic

Put a plastic tablecloth on the floor and eat there--at least now your baby can't throw things down on the floor! Read The Winter Picnic by Robert Welber during dinner. Microwave s'mores or make maple syrup snowcones for dessert (maple syrup snowcones-take a cup of clean snow, pour maple syrup over; New Englanders even add side dishes of pickles and bacon-really!)