Preschool & Daycare Programs: How to choose childcare that is a good match


28 minute read

Article Overview

This article discusses various types of preschools and daycare centers and offers specific guidelines to help you focus on finding a developmentally-appropriate program for caring for and educating your young child. The concept of a preschool/daycare that addresses the needs of the whole child, that is, the emotional, social, cognitive, verbal, and physical developmental needs of your child, is explored. The importance of a childcare program helping children learn through play is also discussed.

This article addresses the search for a good preschool or daycare, as well as the search for a preschool or daycare that is a good match for your particular child and your family. This article also helps focus on your child’s strengths and your child’s needs to ensure that good match. A detailed Take-It-with-You Checklist is provided for your preschool and daycare visits.